The adventure revolution is here

Book review by Tom Walter, Director, Leaders in the Wild

I recently came across Adventure Revolution, by Belinda Kirk. The author skillfully teases apart the importance of embracing adventure in our lives and the life-changing power of choosing challenge in our lives.

I will always credit my parents for taking our family to Nepal at the tender age of 15. Trekking underneath the towering Himalayan peaks of the Annapurna and Everest ranges for the first time was an experience that left an indelible imprint on me, one that has never diminished.

Reading this book has made me reflect on my many adventures over the years, from backcountry alpine rock routes in California’s Sierra Nevada and the Canadian Rockies to the huge limestone cliffs of El Chorro in southern Spain. Multi-week bushwalking expeditions in the wilds of southwest Tasmania and South Island New Zealand. Long, mentally and physically demanding sea kayaking expeditions around the world in locations like paddling through the World Heritage listed Hinchinbrook Island and surrounding islands. No matter the trip, I always come away with a profound sense of expanded possibility.

The development of real grit – the ability to get up when knocked down, recover from injury and illness, and persevere through extreme weather and adverse conditions – has made me the person I am today. I like to think I have developed a ‘never give up, never say die’ attitude to life and living, no matter how cruel or unfair the circumstances.

I cannot recommend highly enough that you make time to read this insightful and inspiring book. For me, it provides a window into how accepting and embracing challenge and discomfort can make you the best version of yourself, especially regarding developing leadership capacity, personally and professionally and otherwise.

To all those adventurers, be it experienced or just starting out – be brave, take calculated risks and accept challenge. The rewards far exceed the discomfort and effort. And you’ll have great stories to tell for the rest of your life!

As co-founding director of Leaders in the Wild, our mission is to ‘develop game-changing leaders’. By combining the best of wilderness immersion, targetted adventure, master facilitation and coaching we work with you solve your most pressing leadership challenges.

You can read an Adventure Revolution extract here –

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Signing off for now,

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